Safety in the workplace is important for you, your animals, and your employees alike. Like many of you, my children often accompany me at work, and many times that means time in the milk barn
At the end of June, I was presented with the opportunity to give testimony to the Oregon House of Representatives Agriculture Committee on the topic of technology
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
The age-old joke surrounding holidays is that they’re filled with stress from old family squabbles and new family drama. Is that true? Are most people’s holidays filled with dread and anxiety?
Yes, you read the title right, but I am talking about cows. It is common knowledge in the dairy industry that cows do not like the heat. The question is, when do they start feeling uncomfortable, and
The official first week of summer brought hot summer temperatures to the Northwest. We don’t see major heat waves like many other parts of the country, but it definitely gets our attention when temperatures...
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
When a friend who works for Hoard’s called and asked me if I’d be willing to be one of their farmer bloggers, I physically had to cover my mouth so I didn’t excitedly scream ‘YES!!!’...
We graze our Guernsey herd for as many months out of the year as the Oregon weather allows. In a normal year this season lasts from the beginning of April through October